Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Back to work:)

Every year it's the same thing. First, we look forward to Easter, which I'm sure most students associate with free time and relax, we have so many plans for these several days off and then... before we realise, we must return to our daily routine. At least, this is what I experience annually and I must confess that the older I am, the more difficult it is to accept this sad fact. Fortunately, some celebrations are still yet to come- in 2 weeks time, there's another break because of the Labour Day (and I'm very happy about that, because I want to finish reading "Sense and sensible" by Jane Austen :) )
There's one more thing which repeats every year- before Easter I can't wait to eat sweets(because I avoid them during the Lent); when I see chocolate or cookies, it seems to me there's nothing else I need, but when the Lent it over, I hardly can swallow a lump of chocolate since my body has already weaned off such an amount of sugar. Well, I'm wondering what to do with all these chocolate bars now... I hope that after going back at university, I'll need more carbohydrates; otherwise, I'll start up a shop:P

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