Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Hello, my dear spring:)

Looking through the window today, I dare to say spring has already come, more than a week before the official date (21st of March). I hope the weather won't let me down and the whole week will be also so marvellous. I don't know if it's only a delusion and I'm the only person who feels it, but today, on my way home I felt the beautiful, ephemeral smell, characteristic only for the spring- I can't say what it was, but it made me very optimistic and full of energy, so even the time I've spent at university was a pleasure for me. 

Now there'a s special time for me because I'm looking forward to Easter and the 40 days which go before this Christian celebration, called Lent, is traditionally the time when people make different resolutions to change something in their lives for better. My resolution is not to eat sweets. I know, maybe it's childish, but I believe, truly, that  it will help me to strengthen my self- determination. I must tell you, by the way, it's not as easy as it seems, especially when my flatmates buy chocolate and cookies... Wish me luck, then:)

Yesterday, My friend and I participated in the lecture about the Irish language and the short lesson of it. Despite the fact I don't remember anything apart from 'How are you?' and 'My name is...' , I must confess it was a great experience and I'm glad that such events take place at our university. Inspired by this beautiful Celtic language, I'm attaching a link to a beautiful song sung by Enya, my favourite singer (from Ireland! :))

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