Friday, 22 May 2015

Colourful world

It will probably not be a surprise for you to know that the colours that surrounds us have a huge influence on the way we feel and act. They are widely used in advertising industry as an efficient tool of persuasion or even manipulation,  because we subconsciously attach a meaning to every colour. Sometimes, it is obvious, for example, it is a common knowledge that green is associated with calm and nature, but not all the meanings  are not so easy to guess:

  • Blue, apart from coldness and peace, may be associated with boredom, conservatism and professionalism
  • Yellow- summer, energy, liveliness but also -which is surprising-  cowardice, conflict and hunger ( I thought it was more optimistic!)
  • Orange- creativity, affordability, aggression, food
  • Purple - a royal colour, means also mystery, power, and luxury
  • Red - determination, speed, strength, desire

By the colours that we love or hate, it is possible to define our personality.
My favourite ones are: blue, green, purple and yellow.  I decided to find out if this choice is really a reflection of who I am and here's what I found:

  • Green - a good listener, a peacemaker, just, but also possessive
  • Blue - reliable, responsible, wise, calm
  • Purple - creative, imaginative, a daydreamer
  • Yellow - practcal, enthousiastic, optimistic, impulsive
Well, apart from creativity and one funny contradiction (how can I possibly be a daydreamer and practical at the same time?:)), I have to admit that in general these colours describe me quite well. Isn't it interesting? Colours have always been quite important to me, but I would have never thought they can so much reflect one's personality. I am curious to know if we like certain colours because of our qualities or just the other way round- we are who we are due to the colours we love.

Anyway, I think it is good to pay attention to the colours around us. They affect us to such extend that we can easily calm down or get motivated simply by changing what we have in sight :)

Friday, 1 May 2015


There are many forms of helping people in need- from donating a certain sum to charity to becoming a volunteer in one of the charity organisations. I admire people who share with those who have less. Unfortunately, there are still many people who use the lack of time or money as an excuse for being indifferent. The truth is we all can help to fight for a better world everyday, without even leaving the house. How? By one, simple click!
How does it work? It's easy- you visit a website where you click on the picture and this way you donate some money to support the organisation's aims. Of course, this sum is usually very, very small(let's say, 5 gr), but when you look at the statistics, it turns out that thousands of people have already clicked too; as a result, the collected sum is quite significant.
I would like to present 3 such websites which I've been using for many years:
1. Pajacyk- a Polish site whose aim is to help malnourished children, not only in Poland. I've learnt that the organisation also improve the living conditions in poor African countries. So far, they've built a clinic in South Sudan and they take care of starving childen and pregnant women in Somalia. You can click once a day.
2. The Hunger Site - an American charity site where you have to click the button to donate money to fight against famine. In fact, once you visit this site, you can see it's one of many similar sites with different aims, for example helping animals, rainforests or those who suffer from diabetes. Apart from clicking, you have an opportunity to sign a petition to show that your voice matters (unfortunately, not every petition is available for people outside the US).
3. Free Rice - my favourite charity site. It's a kind of game, a test- you choose the subject (for example, English, French, the capitals of the world) and with every correct anwer they donate 10 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Programme. What I love about Free Rice, is that you can help feed the others and the site helps you to improve your language skills or general knowledge.  You don't have to create an account, but I advise you to do it- then you can see how many grains you have donated from the very beginning. It's motivating!;-)

I'm perfectly aware of the fact that a simple click can't solve all the problems of the world. I just don't want us to be indifferent. One click may ecourage us to become involved in other forms of charity. It may be the first step to change somebody's life.