Allan Karlsson, who lives in a care home, is supossed to celebrate his 100th birthday. Despite his age, Allan is able to take care of himself and when he sees a little boy who plays in a slightly unusual way, he climbs out the window and... this is how his adventures begin.
Accidentally, he steals the suitcase which belongs to a motorcycle gang member, so obviously he tries to get it back, but it turns out it's not so simple. Let's just say that there are some dead bodies in the film, but the victims are killed in such stupid ways that it's impossible not to laugh. Allan and his companions are the most ridiculously incompatible and inept group of people I've ever seen, but somehow they always manage to stay safe and sound.
The film is also full of Allan's memories, rather extraordinary ones, I would say, including saving general's Franco life, helping the Americans with an atom bomb (yes, it was Allan Karlsson, everyone, who actually created it), etc. One big historical mess, but such a funny one! :)
To sum up - when you have a bad day, don't each chocolate; you'll only put on weight. Just watch this movie.
WARNING: Many uncontrollable bursts of laughter highly probable while watching.